JP Fontenelle

João Pedro (JP) Fontenelle, PhD

OG-CO Post Doctoral Fellow in Genome Data Science, University of Toronto

I am currently a Post Doctoral Fellow at the Institute of Forestry and Conservation at the University of Toronto (CA) working with population and landscape genetics of systems that present rapid variation in size and distribution through time. I am curious about how diversity patterns are created and maintained through time and space under different eco-evolutionary dynamics. My research combines empirical genomic data, modelling and bioinformatics to investigate how genetic inferences of diversity, structure and adaptation change through time under different ecological and demographic scenarios. By implementing an evolutionary approach to molecular ecology, I develop a data-driven approach to investigate diversitification in changing environments through time, aiming to provide background to applied ecology, evolution and conservation biology.Lastly, I am an open science and open source software enthusiast, hoping to help make science more reproductible and accessible

Institute of Forestry and Conservation
University of Toronto
33 Willcocks St.
Toronto/ON, Canada, M5S 3E8

Here you can find my latest publications and news about my research.